Our beautiful Yarra Valley location, places us in the centre of a very diverse set of ecosystems, and while we strive to produce the best wine possible, we are conscious of minimising the impact on our natural surroundings.
We employ best management practices and explore every opportunity to improve and restore our environment.
As members of Sustainable Winegrowing Australia we endeavour to minimise the footprint of all our activities. We are also proud to be a participating member of the national EcoVineyards program, that supports us in enhancing soil health, establishing ground covers and increasing functional biodiversity in our vineyard.
We work with Melbourne Water and The Yarra Riverkeeper Association, to control weeds along the Badger Creek waterway, a Yarra River tributary that borders our property, in order to protect and restore the river for future generations.
We collaborate with our neighbours to create a biolink to provide habitat corridors for the indigenous and endangered Helmeted Honeyeater, Leadbeaters Possum and Broad toothed rat.
We also work with Birdlife Australia and their Birds on Farms project that assists rural landholders to identify, appreciate and manage birds and their habitats on their property.